1) General information

    1.1) Identity of the Data Controller

GIRARD AGEDISS is committed to the confidentiality and security of your personal data. This Privacy Policy aims to inform you in a clear, simple and transparent manner about how we process your personal data.

GIRARD AGEDISS, an SAS [simplified joint stock company] with a capital of €311,808, whose head office is located at ZI La Belle Entrée, 85140 ESSARTS EN BOCAGE, FRANCE, registered with the La Roche sur Yon Trade and Companies Register under number 522 693 209, is the controller of the personal data processed in the context of transport and shipping within the meaning of the regulations applicable to personal data, and in particular Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 known as the “Informatique et Libertés” (Data Protection Act) and EU Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.

    1.2) What is Personal Data?

Personal Data is information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. This includes your name, telephone number and address. It does not include statistical data that we collect when you visit our site, for example, which cannot be directly attributed to you.


2) Purposes of the processing of your personal data and recipients of the data processed


In order to process shipments, we provide our partners with data to enable them to manage the transport and tracking of shipments as well as to manage the commercial relationship. The data processed are in particular the following: first name, surname, postal address, email address, telephone numbers, data relating to the home (code, floor, house or flat). The data is processed on the basis of a contract, in accordance with Art. 6 (1) b. of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

To process your order, we use various service providers for the following services:

    2.1) Transport optimisation

In order to provide transport services, we use applications to optimise drivers’ routes and to track package locations. The data is processed based on the legitimate interest of GIRARD AGEDISS, in accordance with Art. 6 (1) f. of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

    2.2) Transport and logistics subcontracting

AGEDISS may also be required to disclose your data to third parties in order to comply with legal, regulatory or contractual obligations, or to respond to requests from the legal authorities.

    1. 2.3) Satisfaction surveys

We strive to continuously improve our services and products, and meet our customers’ expectations. To do so, we give you the opportunity to complete surveys (satisfaction surveys). Of course, participating in these studies is entirely optional and can be completely anonymous, unless you choose otherwise. However, to enable us to evaluate your responses, we do require you to tell us your gender, age range, and your postcode. The information you provide will only be used as part of this survey and will be deleted once analysed.

This processing is based on your consent, in accordance with Art. 6 (1) a. of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

For the transport service, we use an artificial intelligence solution to analyse comments from consumers who respond to the surveys and sort them by topic (level of satisfaction, causes of dissatisfaction).

This processing is based on our company’s legitimate interests, in accordance with Art. 6 (1) f. of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). 

    2.4) Individual tracking

In order to process shipments, we provide individuals with the ability to request information about the status of their shipments. The data processed are in particular the following: first name, surname, postal address, email address, telephone numbers, order number and name of the company the order was placed with. The data is processed on the basis of a contract, in accordance with Art. 6 (1) b. of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

    2.5) Contact/Commercial quotations

The purpose of the Agediss website is also to respond to requests for quotations. The data processed are in particular the following: first name, surname, postal address, billing and shipping addresses, email address, telephone numbers.

LThe data is processed on the basis of consent, in accordance with Art. 6 (1) a. of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

    2.6) Contacts/Partnerships

The purpose of the Agediss website is also to respond to requests for business partnerships with third parties. The data processed are in particular the following: first name, surname, postal address, billing and shipping addresses, email address, telephone numbers. Company information is also collected, such as the name of the manager, email address and telephone number.

The data is processed on the basis of consent, in accordance with Art. 6 (1) a. of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

    2.7) GIRARD AGEDISS as an employer

If you are interested in a career opportunity with GIRARD AGEDISS, you can submit an application through the “Join our team” tab. The data processed are your first name, surname, telephone number, CV and cover letter.

The data is processed on the basis of consent, in accordance with Art. 6 (1) a. of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


3) Data retention period

The Personal Data of shipping customers are stored in our archives for two years from the date of delivery or invoicing, and are deleted after a period of 10 years (tax statute of limitation).

The Personal Data of employees of customers’ companies and our subcontractors are kept for the duration of the contractual relationship plus 24 months.

The Personal Data of applicants for jobs with Girard Agediss are either deleted, if your application is not selected, or stored for up to 24 months.

In the event of legal action, the aforementioned Personal Data as well as any information, documents and papers containing Personal Data likely to be implicated or concerning the identification of respondents, victims and witnesses may be kept for the duration of the proceedings, including for a period longer than those indicated above.


4) Log files

Hereinafter we provide you with specific information relating to how data is processed when you visit our website.
Each time you access our website on the Internet, we automatically collect a set of data and information which we store in files called log files for a period of one (1) year. The following data and information may be stored in our log files:


Date and time of connection

Name of the webpage viewed

IP address of the device

Device identification (Android-ID, Apple-ID)

Session ID

Browser type and version

Operating system used

Referrer (web page the access originated from)

We need this data to make our website technically accessible and to adapt our advertisements to your individual device. Furthermore, we collect this data in order to identify system malfunctions and attacks on our website and to design protective measures to prevent misuse, as GIRARD AGEDISS is legally entitled to do on the basis of the performance of the contract according to Art. 6 (1) b. and on the basis of compliance with a legal obligation according to Art. 6 (1) c of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


5) Cookies

    5.1) What is a cookie?

The “COOKIES” section explains the origin and use of browsing information processed during your visit to our website and your rights. This section is important for you, in order to have a positive experience with our Services in complete confidence, and for Us, who want to be able to answer your questions about your visit to our website and respect your wishes.

When you visit our website, data about your device’s navigation (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) on our website may be stored in “cookie” files that are placed on your device.

The legal basis for the use of cookies is:

– your consent, in accordance with Art. 6 (1) a of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR);

– the legitimate interest of GIRARD AGEDISS in accordance with Art. 6 (1) f of the GDPR.

    5.2) The Cookies we use on our website

We use technical cookies (“first-party cookies”), which only allow us to adjust the presentation of our website to suit your terminal’s display preferences.

These cookies are installed by GIRARD AGEDISS. The cookies do not cause any damage to your terminal, do not contain viruses, Trojan horses or other malicious software.

These “technical” cookies allow you to access restricted and personal areas of our site, such as your shipment tracking, using login information or data that you may have previously given us;

These technical cookies are stored for the duration of the session or until your browser is closed (“session” cookies).

We also use analytics cookies that allow us to understand how our website is used and its performance, in order to improve it (for example, most frequently viewed pages, searches using the search engine, etc.). The data collected is not shared with any third parties or used for any other purpose. You may refuse these types of cookies by configuring your browser.

The Google Analytics tool that we use generates cookies as described on the site officiel de Google

. You can read more about the terms of use and
data protection at:

Name of cookie and source Cookie purpose Duration of storage
_ga (google analytics)


measures the number of unique visitors to our website

14 months
_gid (google analytics)


used to differentiate users

1 day
_gat_gtag_xxx (google analytics)


used to reduce the number of requests

1 minute

Website operation:

session management

Expires at the end of the session

Website operation:

session management

Expires at the end of the session
    1. 5.3) Cookies issued by third parties to users of our website

These are cookies or trackers that are stored on your terminal by third parties (host, partners, etc.) when you visit our website.

These parties are committed to respecting the legislation in force concerning cookies/trackers and guarantee that measures are taken to protect and secure the data collected.

You may refuse these types of cookies by configuring your browser.

Third party cookies are kept for a maximum of 14 months.

    1. 5.4) Your cookie preferences

Cookies are only stored on your terminal with your consent.

You can refuse to accept cookies at any time, free of charge by configuring your browser.

How to manage cookies and your preferences is described in the “Settings” menu of your browser, where you can find out how to modify your cookie preferences.

Users may also consult the CNIL guide at the following address:

However, please note that you may not be able to use all the features of our website if you do not accept cookies.

In this case, we shall not be liable for any consequences due to the impaired functioning of our services as a result of our inability to store or consult the cookies required for the performance of the aforementioned services and which you have refused or deleted.

You may also refuse to allow the data generated by the cookie to be transmitted to and processed by Google (including your IP address) by downloading and installing the plug-in from :


6) Media and social networks

We use social networks and media to promote our company in a targeted way. In this context, GIRARD AGEDISS is only a user of these platforms. Please consult the Privacy Policy of these social networks to learn about how the navigation data they collect may be used, in particular for advertising. These privacy policies should allow you to exercise your rights with these social networks.

7) Security

We strive, to the best of our ability, to implement technical and organisational security measures to protect your Personal Data against unintentional or unlawful deletion, alteration or loss and against unauthorised transmission or access. Our employees are bound by a duty of professional secrecy and are committed to protecting the confidentiality of Personal Data. They are regularly educated on data protection issues.

The Website uses one of the most effective security systems currently available. GIRARD AGEDISS uses the TLS (Transport Layer Security) encryption process.


8) Your rights as a data subject

In accordance with the European Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016, you have a right of access to the Personal Data concerning you that is processed by us. You have the right to request the erasure of Personal Data about you that we are storing, unless there is a legal reason to refuse the right to erasure. You also have the right to have inaccurate Personal Data about you corrected and/or incomplete Personal Data completed. In certain cases, you also have the right to request that the processing of your data be limited. You also have the right to request that we transfer the data you have provided to us and that we have processed on the basis of your consent or whose processing was necessary for the conclusion or performance of a contract, in a format accessible to you or to a third party specified by you (right to portability). Furthermore, you have the right to specify how your data should be processed after your death.

Finally, you have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data for legitimate reasons, when the processing is based on the legitimate interest of GIRARD AGEDISS, as described in Article 6 (1) f of the European Regulation.

GIRARD AGEDISS and its employees are committed to respecting your privacy and protecting your Personal Data. If you have any comments or if we have unfortunately not met your expectations, please contact our Data Protection Officer at the following address: Girard Agediss – Direction Juridique – 243/245 Rue Jean Jaurès – 59650 VILLENEUVE D’ASCQ, FRANCE Email:

You may also file a complaint with the CNIL (Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés) at the following address at any time:

3 Place de Fontenoy – TSA 80715

75334 PARIS CEDEX 07